lt is an acrylic emulsion-based, silicone exterior paint.
FEATURES: Due to the property of additive silicone, it has high water repellency. Due to the silicone it contains, it is water-re pellent with its water-repellent feature, and because it has high water vapor permeability, it allows moisture to escape. lt is resistant to moisture and water and has high alkali and chemical resistance. lt is extremely resistant to the negative effects of sunrays and salty moisture on the seashore. lt has high coverage.
APPLICATION FIELD: lt is used on all kinds of concrete, aerated concrete, briquette, brick, plaster, and similar mineral surfaces. However, it should not be applied to elastic paint systems.
- Surface Preparation
The surface to be applied should be cleaned of all kinds of oil, dirt, loose and swollen layers, and a surface that can hold the paint in glassy and bright textures should be created. Acrylic filler Exterior Wall Putty should be used for repairing and stripping of capillary cracks.
• On raw plastered, new and solid surfaces, Filled Primer should be applied in one coat.
• Old paint, very chalky, absorbent, weak, etc. On loose textured surfaces, the surface should be saturated with a binder to reinforce the floor. "Insulation primers should never be used in the lining process. "
• If it will be applied to cement-based decorative plaster used in the thermal insulation system, a primer should be used.
• At least 24 hours after the priming process, it should be diluted with water at a rate of 10-15% by volume and applied in two layers, and depending on the weather conditions, wait at least 6 hours between the layers.
• The application should not be done in rainy weather.
- Depending on the surface When Filled Primer is used, an area of 7-10 m2 is painted with 1 Land 5-7 m2 with 1 kg, depending on the surface, in one coat.